With only FIVE (long) weeks to go till Ultra and the start of festival season, ravers everywhere are making their lineup lists, figuring out what this new venue is going to be like, and gathering all their supplies for the annual trek to Miami. For most of us, Ultra is like Christmas… but in March. I’d take white sandy beaches over snow any day, and Ultra is exactly the reason for the Spring Break season. There is literally nothing better.
There is only one downside to major festivals. TRASH. We consume, we use, and
So while you are packing your essential lists for Ultra, make sure to bring your inner nature lover. Hold onto your trash until the end of a set, and throw it in a garbage can. If you see trash, pick it up and throw it away. If you are a smoker, bring a portable ashtray. They are super cheap and effective. There is no reason to not have one. (I quit so for the first time in 15 years, I won’t be needing one!) Check out some suggestions on our Amazon to help keep Ultra clean!
Thank you Ultra for showing your commitment to the environment. We don’t need fireworks. The music is ENOUGH for us! With the addition of a potential 10,000 more festers in the venue, this will hopefully mean an increase in trash cans everywhere to keep up with the increased crowd. If we all do our part, we can make Ultra’s new home brighter, and save the beaches and wildlife for future generations of ravers.

1 comment
[…] UMF 2019 will not be taking place in Bayfront Park this year. They have found their new home on the Virginia Key. Ultra is staying put in Miami and now they have more space to curate the event they’ve always wanted. RESISTANCE Island will take over the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park and the reminding four stages will be at the Miami Marine Stadium. I can’t wait to see the new venue. As always, remember to keep it clean so we have a home to return to each year. Read more about how we plan to protect the grounds, here. […]