Home Music To infinity and beyond with Notaker

To infinity and beyond with Notaker

by Alex TerraNova
1 minutes read

Imagine sailing through time and space in a world of endless stars, watching the earth fall away from sight on a fateful and uncertain pilgrimage to a distant galaxy. David Nothaker – better known as Notaker – has been fascinated by science and space, before he even phantom the idea of music or producing, it was the concept of something having no end, even if you never dreamed of being an astronaut.

Notaker’s newest track “Infinite“, to be released on mighty Monstercat, will take you on an epic adventure to your mind’s wildest destination. Stepping away from his usual progressive sound for a more futuristic and digital vibe, Notaker is here to be our commanding astronaut on our journey to another world.

For “Infinite“, he was inspired by the limitless quality of the mind; our minds can take us places our bodies will never be able to, and oftentimes music serves as a catalyst to facilitate that passage. Inspired by legends like Hans ZimmerDeadmau5, and Eric Prydz.

Notaker – Infinite on Monstercat via YouTube, click HERE 

Notaker specializes in creating an atmosphere around his productions to immerse the listener in the story of his sound, rather than just the track itself. He has certainly achieved that with “Infinite“, so stay tuned for more sonic experiences coming from this promising up and comer.

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