Get ready headbangers: Jason Figlioli, better known as Midnight Tyrannosaurus, announced that he will be breaking necks all across the world with his Mutation Tour. Since this is his first headlining tour and his first time showing off his very own visuals, fans are in for a big surprise! The tour includes special guests Kai Wachi, YAKZ, and Cromatik.

Midnight Tyrannosaurus is a favorite to see on lineups for many heavy dubstep fans. Expectations are high for the Mutation Tour, especially after Midnight T’s ear-shattering set at EDC Orlando 2018. The Mutation Tour is packed full of shows beginning mid-January going into June. But it doesn’t stop there; more dates will be announced in the future. Tickets went on sale January 9th, so snag your tickets here before they sell out! Don’t miss out on experiencing Midnight Tyrannosaurus show the world his visuals for the first time, on his first ever headlining tour.
*Featured Image Via @cofran22_*