Home Interviews How Did Notaker Find His Path to Becoming a DJ and Producer? | Interview

How Did Notaker Find His Path to Becoming a DJ and Producer? | Interview

by The Freaks - Staff
4 minutes read

David Nothaker, also known as Notaker is a dance music producer that hails from St. Louis and has been making strides in the dance music industry. Everything he does musically has immersive and narrative elements, which allows listeners to dive deep into his unique universe of sound and art.

After attending his first electronic music concert in 2009, he was convinced by a friend to download Logic Pro and start making music. Notaker spent some time scouring the internet for tutorials, message boards and literally anything that would expand his knowledge on dance music. This bit of interest and curiosity turned into something much deeper and now fuels the passion behind his music.

In 2016, the self-taught producer signed his first record, ‘Infinite’ to Monstercat — a track which has amassed over 8 million streams on Spotify. Over these last few years, Notaker has had countless other releases and has gained support from many electronic music heavyweights like deadmau5, Above and Beyond, Gareth Emery and many more.

More recently, Notaker has released his new EP, ‘PATH.FINDER’, which is a wonderful compilation of tracks that take you to another planet. We had the chance to catch up with Notaker and get the answers to the questions that you had, enjoy!

FMF: You have made huge waves in the scene in such a short time with what sources say was due to being a musical prodigy. How does it feel to be so well known so early in your career?

Notaker: Oh man, “musical prodigy” gives me a bit too much credit! Personally I think I still have a ton to learn and much more room for growth. It’s pretty amazing to have people out there who appreciate what I do, it definitely makes all the hard work and time spent just that much more worthwhile.

Your music is something that isn’t defined by any one genre, which you can clearly see from the songs on your new EP, PATH.FINDER. How do you constantly come up with fresh ideas in the studio?

It’s my curiosity that I have to give credit to. I naturally gravitate to what’s been interesting me lately and try to incorporate elements of those styles / feelings / concepts into my own sound. Doing the same thing over and over again isn’t exactly the most fulfilling on a creative level.

A while ago, you began a new venture called “The Vessel” which is focused on pairing music and artwork together. Tell us more about this concept and how it’s developed over the last year and a half.

The Vessel‘ is a device I use to tell my listeners stories through concepts, artwork, and music. Over time it’s becoming more immersive because I keep trying to add in more content to each collection of music we release for the Vessel series. I think it’s fair to assume the next Vessel EP will be more immersive and expansive than the last.

You just released ‘PATH.FINDER’ EP, which is a compilation of six breathtaking tracks of yours. I know it’s going to be hard to choose, but which track is your favorite?

I truly love all the songs on the EP but if I have to choose a favorite I’d say it’s ‘Into the Light‘. My reasoning being that it’s the first track I wrote that had the “PATH.FINDER” feeling to it and what really inspired me to create the entire EP.

2019 has begun with a bang for you as you just played at the Monstercat Uncaged show during Miami Music Week. What upcoming show or festival performance are you looking forward to most in 2019?

I’m really looking forward to playing Global Dance Festival at Broncos stadium this year and I’m also excited to make it back to Stereo Live in Houston as well.

Your recent release of ‘PATH.FINDER’ EP is a spectacular milestone in and of itself. Tell us more about your new EP and what else we can expect from you in 2019.

Thank you! I’m very proud of it. My new EP is an immersive new world I envisioned to accompany all the feel good happy vibes of my music and packaged into a sci-fi conceptual adventure on the vessel. I’m working on lots more new music and some groundbreaking ideas that I think are really going to blow everyone away. I’d say more but keeping secrets is much more fun.

*Featured image via Notaker*

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