What happens when Ben Gold and Omnia get together to form a dynamic trance duo? FUTURECODE! Individually, these two artists have taken the electronic music scene by storm. Together, they form an unstoppable force that’s already begun to make waves with their recent releases.
Having already performed at several world-class festivals, this pair has taken a giant leap with their new collaboration. They show no signs of slowing down either with a constant flow of fantastic records. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Ben Gold and Omnia to talk about their recent ventures and what’s in store for us from the likes of FUTURECODE.
The following transcript has been edited for readability.
FMF: Hello guys! This is Nadine from Fresh Music Freaks. I’m sitting here with Ben Gold and Omnia — who make up the trace duo, FUTURECODE. This is a recent joint venture between the two of them. They’re both incredible DJs and producers individually. Both of them are on the leading edge of the trance genre. You have been performing as FUTURECODE for almost a year now. Where did you come up with the idea to start FUTURECODE?
Ben Gold: We founded it in Romania in August of last year. We performed as Ben Gold and Omnia back to back, but we only played our own music in that one hour. We decided to release the set online and the fans kind of made FUTURECODE happen because we just released it and we thought it was fun. We had a lot of fun doing the show and the fact that we played our own productions, we felt it was different. And then because of the hype and the feedback, we then got booked to close the biggest trance festival in the world — A State Of Trance 900 in Utrecht. When you have that platform to premiere a brand new act it gave us the platform too.
We kind of have a really busy tour schedule now for the rest of the year. We’re going as far as every corner of the globe. It’s just a really fun project. It’s good chemistry on stage and we think the same musically in the studio as well.
Omnia: Even before we played Untold last year we had released two tracks together ‘The Gateway’ and ‘The Conquest’. We wanted to make more music together, so we came up with FUTURECODE.
Very nice! The name FUTURECODE, where did that idea come from?
Ben Gold: This is his answer. You can answer this one. *laughing*
Omnia: First of all, I had the idea of this name before we started working together and I wanted to create something new with a futuristic theme that would be a part of our whole brand and our tracks. There isn’t really a specific background, behind the name. I just think it sounds really cool.
Ben Gold: We could have quite easily gone as Ben Gold and Omnia back to back. But with FUTURECODE, it allows us to be a bit daring in the studio. There are no rules when we make and play music. We don’t have any expectations to live up to. We are a new project. Certainly, there’s an element of not only fun in there, but we can be super creative. And the branding and the whole name just rolls off your tongue. It was an easy one. It’s a fun project. We’re enjoying it!
I’m happy with everything that you have been coming out with. You’ve been performing at a ton of huge festivals, like Untold and ASOT 900. What do you guys have coming up that you’re excited for it?
Ben Gold: We were at EDMania last weekend in Slovakia. We’re obviously here at Hï Ibiza with Armin van Buuren tonight. In July, we’re going to Montreal for AIM Music Festival. We’re going to Jakarta for SHVR Ground Festival. We’re returning to Untold. We just confirmed something pretty big, but we can’t announce it yet. I’d love to give you the exclusive, but it’s a really big weekend of shows. That’s all I can say. It’s a weekend of shows that’s quite far away from here.
Omnia: And also, ALFA Future People in Russia.
Ben Gold: We go to Malaysia as well. We decided that we wanted to keep the FUTURECODE identity as more of a festival act, in order to keep to our strict guideline of playing just our own music. If you start stepping outside any longer than an hour, we would have to create a lot more music — which we are doing. We did seven tracks before ASOT and then we filled it up with our individual records and collaborations before FUTURECODE and mash-ups that we made exclusively for ASOT. We try to bring something new in every set that we do. Tonight, for example, we’re testing a new track out. We’re going to release this set as well, hopefully. We have to make sure the recording comes out well. Once we step on to the other festival stages, we want to bring something new every time. Everyone’s watched the ASOT set that we did and we don’t want to repeat that. That’s something we’re really cautious about. We want to get something fresh and new every performance, but keep our identity and sound from the beginning to the end.
I like that and the one show you couldn’t tell us about — maybe the trance fans out there will have to take a guess based on the hints you’ve given us. Speaking of trance fans, something I’d like to know — what does trance mean to you?
Ben Gold: For me and also for FUTURECODE, it starts with the melody. A melody can change the world. If you get that melody right, it’s the foundation for any record. Yeah, you’ve got psy trance, hard trance and they obviously all have melodies in them, but for us — it’s really about the music and being as expressive in the melodies as possible.
Omnia: The great thing about trance, even compared to other genres, like if you go into a techno set — you accept the whole set as one thing and you want to have a great time and all. But when you go to a trance show and listen to the whole set — every track is a new story you can enjoy. There’s so many highlights in any set with us or any other trance DJ because each track is really different. I think that’s a really great thing about trance music.
Agreed. Trance music makes the world go round for me at least.
Omnia: Us too.
That’s a good thing. You have been releasing tracks left and right. ‘The Connection’, ‘Dancing in the Rain’, ‘Trinity’. What else can we expect this year?
Ben Gold: On Friday, June 28, we drop the next single taken from our ASOT set, ‘The Network’. It’s a super fun track that has that trademark sound that we created for FUTURECODE. It’s a standalone single on its own. It’s not like ‘The Connection’. It’s not like ‘Trinity’. It’s super melodic, has different breakdowns, different melody drops. This one really works on the dance floor and it’s kind of a fan favorite already. It was one of the most talked about records from the set that we were getting. We were getting a lot of ‘What is this record?’, ‘ID this’, ‘When is it coming out?’. We already had our release schedule in place before we even played ASOT. We put quite a lot of work into it.
We just tested two new records in Slovakia last weekend. We’re going to test one tonight. And then we’re next on the stage in July and hopefully we’ll bring another one. We just want to keep it going and keep releasing fun music. Every six weeks, if we can get records out, that’s great. We won’t settle, if it’s not quality, then it won’t get released. But because our schedule is really busy, we have the luxury of being able to try music out before we want to release it. We’re also working on a brand new record with Roxanne Emery, which will be a follow up to ‘Dancing in the Rain’. That one is in motion and on its way.
Omnia: That’s the best thing about a new project. You feel so inspired. Especially since our debut show was at ASOT 900 which was really huge. We had so much great feedback. And this is something that makes you really inspired. We’re really inspired for the next year and beyond.
Ben Gold: I think anyone who’s been lucky enough to play that main arena — 17,000 people, and that’s just in front of you, plus those who are watching online or who’s going to stream that set, replay that set, rewatch that set. definitely gave me tweet. To be honest, we wanted to jump straight back in the studio, but at the same time we still have our solo careers as well, which we’re running alongside FUTURECODE. I can’t believe how many shows we are doing, how many festivals stages we got booked on this year. So big thanks! If it wasn’t for you guys, this project wouldn’t have legs.
That’s a very good point. We love everything you guys are doing. It’s been awesome so far. And now my last question, you have the track ‘Dancing in the Rain’, but who’s the better dancer between you two?
Ben Gold: I think DJs can’t dance.
Omnia: Yeah. It’s not my thing.
Ben Gold: It’s not really my thing either. To be honest, we just have to jump around in the DJ booth and I think as long as you’re in time, then you can kind of get away with it. And whether you’ve got two arms up, one arm up, or you’re stamping your feet or just moving your feet a little bit. I can sing better than I can dance!
So we’re going to hear a song from you tonight.
Ben Gold: FUTURECODE featuring Ben Gold on vocals. Let’s make a duet with Roxanne Emery. Our harmonies are just fantastic. We have Melodyne, mate. You can just put it through Melodyne and auto-tune — it’ll sound amazing.
Omnia: He’s never mentioned that before. Tomorrow I will call him like, come on, man, let’s do it.
Ben Gold: I’ll only do it with Roxanne. Yeah, we should do it. I like that idea. Roxanne, if you’re listening to this, reach out. Let us know.
Well, we might hear some Bed Gold singing tonight and we’re definitely going to see your dance moves on the dance floor. This is Nadine signing out from Fresh Music Freaks. Thank you again, Ben Gold and Omnia.

The interview is also available in audio format via Pod Bean, iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud.
*Featured image via FUTURECODE*