What a month it has been for Ultra. After their issues at Virginia Key, and feeling less than welcome in Miami, they told the city they had been home to for 21 years goodbye… and said hello to an uncertain future venue. Hello Ultra Homestead Speedway? (Oh Please, Dear God NOOOOOOOOOO). I’m sure whatever Ultra decides will be the best possible venue and as a loyal brand follower (ie: worshipper) I will be happy to follow their progress in what is hopefully a new era for their flagship event.
I would be lying if I said that change of this magnitude for a festival I loved so much was a little tough to swallow the first time. I left my heart in Bayfront *Baefront* and longed for a return to normalcy and a short distance between stages as much as anyone. Even after the Ultra 5 K, I am pleased Ultra stood up to Miami politics and walked. The patrons of Ultra are pumping plenty into the economy during the festival to offset 3 days of “noise”… but to each their own. Don’t even get me started on what Mr. So-Called President of the So-Called Brickell HOA has to say about “Ultra’s Clientele.” I stand with Ultra, if you don’t want our hard earned money, we will spend it where they take it instead. Who likes golf, anyway? Without dance music, tourism will take a big hit in Miami no matter how you slice it.
Regardless of what happens with #UltraFormerlyKnownAsMiami, Ultra is having a moment with huge announcements for Ultra Korea, Ultra Beach/ Europe, and Ultra Singapore. I personally long to hit Ultra Europe at least once in my life. Check out all the deets below, and get ready for one hell of a summer with Ultra!
I’d be stoked to for this Ultra Korean edition. Just thinking about visiting South Korea would have been reason enough, but Ultra gave us one hell of a lineup with Knife Party, Skrillex, Underworld, and Virtual Self. They are also having it in a speedway so this could be a sign of things to come for Miami if the rumors of Homestead are indeed true.
Next up, the intriguing island of Singapore. Similar lineup, still so much to love. Same weekend as Korea, so unless you have a clone of yourself, doubtful, you have to pick one. Tough choice eh?

And last but not least, the other Ultra I have always wanted to hit… Ultra Beach, or Ultra Europe, Ultra Hvar… whatever. It’s Ultra on a beach. The way Ultra is really intended to be, IMO. I can’t wait to attend this one day. It wouldn’t even matter who was on the lineup, really. For now, I will have FOMO hopefully planning next year’s adventure.
We have our finger on the Ultra pulse here at Fresh Music Freaks, stay tuned for more details on #UltraFormerlyKnownAsMiami when they are announced.