We received this product in exchange for an honest review.
Heading into the ABGT Weekender, I knew I would require electrolytes and hydration to keep my stamina up in the heat and burning sun. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a wuss when it comes to overheating, and I despise carrying a hydration pack. It messes up the appearance of my carefully selected festival attire! But I had to do something as I have fainted at a festival in the past and never want to repeat that humiliating experience.
Luckily for me, Fresh Music Freaks caught wind of a powdered supplement called Tranzfuse that is replacing products like coconut water and Gatorade. TranzLabs, the maker of this “All-in-One All Natural Dietary Supplement” are transparent about their ingredients, and since I know little about supplements, I asked my roomie Kayla who teaches at a college of natural medicine what she thought.
The first thing she said was “They must know what they’re doing cause they included Black Pepper Fruit Extract which helps the body with absorption, and according to recent studies, increases Serotonin and Dopamine production.” Well that’s cool! I can use all the happy brain chemicals I can get when I fest! Kayla went on to say that “Glycine is an amino acid that has been shown to help cognitive functions as well as improve sleep, coconut water is high in Potassium which helps prevent muscle cramps, and Choline is a precursor of the neurotransmitter Acytelcholine, so that helps even more with mental clarity.” So far, Tranzfuse sounds better than any other hydration and electrolyte products I’ve used.
As someone who usually takes Emergen-C for immune support and Pedialyte for electrolytes, I decided to do a bit of a comparison. As it turns out, Tranzfuse has more Vitamin C, B6, and Folate than Emergen-C, and of its 12 included supplements, Pedialyte only has a mere three of them. Unlike other products, TranzLabs chose to leave caffeine out to avoid the jittery spike in energy followed by a rapid crash. Another noticeably missing ingredient is 5-HTP, a substance in many recovery products that along with caffeine can clash dangerously with illicit substances often taken by ravers. All in all, Tranzfuse can’t be compared to other hydration and immune support products as it contains over twice the ingredients that assist with body and mind recovery.

I failed to take Tranzfuse the Friday afternoon we arrived at the venue, drank at some pre-parties, and ended up with a hangover. As I was kicking myself for this oversight Saturday morning, I immediately mixed the Blue Raspberry packet in a 500 mL bottle of water. It smelled good, was the right level of sweet, and the flavor wasn’t too strong. I chugged half, hoping it would help my headache and then continued sipping it as I applied the last of my makeup. Some of the minerals settled to the bottom over time, so I shook it vigorously before each sip until it was done. There were no chunks like I get with other products and it went down smoothly. As I walked through the venue gates, I realized I didn’t have a headache anymore.
I spent the next six hours walking miles and dancing vigorously in the sun with very little shade, in mid-80’s temperatures. Due to the concrete floor of the Gorge Amphitheater, temperatures went up to 90 in the bowl, but I didn’t feel overheated as I was breaking it down. Not once did I feel dehydrated, and my energy levels remained steady with only short breaks of sitting between dancing.
In comparison, at my last visit to the Gorge Amphitheatre three weeks prior, I drank Pedialyte each day before entering the venue, and again when I got back to camp. It didn’t help as much as I wished. Due to my exhaustion from the heat, I had to leave the venue for three hours on both days to sit down, drink water, and recover my energy in the shade. Choosing Tranzfuse at the ABGT Weekender made it possible to enjoy myself the entire time I was there. I got to dance endlessly, trek up and down the massive hill to meet up with friends, enjoy some of the informational talks in the upper meadow, and use the much cleaner porta-potties other people refused to journey to.
Following a day of travel, I immediately returned to work with no sign of the rave flu as I sit writing this three days later. Despite averaging a mere four hours of sleep each night of the event, I’m working 12 hour days right up until SeaFair this coming weekend. I get to try the Tropical Bliss or Watermelon Lime flavors next and I can’t wait to hand a few out to my friends! You bet I’ll be drinking Tranzfuse before, during, and after every event involving sun, heat, drinking, and dancing for the rest of my summer!
TranzLabs / Tranzfuse: Website | Amazon
*Featured Image Via TranzLabs*