Home Music It’s Almost Time to Hippity Hop to the Easter Edition of Sunrise Sermon!

It’s Almost Time to Hippity Hop to the Easter Edition of Sunrise Sermon!

by The Freaks - Staff

If you are a fan of Gary Richards aka DESTRUCTO, you know that his Sunrise Sermon sets are fuckin’ special. Sunrise Sermon is a widely anticipated event from underground parties, Shambhala, to sailing the open seas with friends that became blood. Well, I am here to tell you there IS some illuminating sunshine to light our seemingly dark alteration to life as we know it. Gary is bringing this special virtual rendition back for the second time this Easter Sunday directly from his living room in L.A. to ours.  As if our lives weren’t out of whack enough at this time, why not stay up until you see the sun come up in your own home vibin’ to this meticulously curated set?

After bringing in over 200k viewers on March 22nd, I am READY to kick off another one-of-a-kind spiritual experience (the third one this year for me to be exact). Set your alarms. Pre-buy your champagne. Make a hearty breakfast. We’re going IN and blasting OFF from our couches or beds starting at 5:30 AM PT. From Gary’s wife Anne making breakfast while he’s mixing to a guest appearance from the family dog to Gary dropping in the backyard half-pipe mid-stream, it’s honestly just a heartwarming time I can’t wait to relive. The end time is undetermined and last time we strapped in for damn near SIX hours.

Join a giant Zoom call, FaceTime your best friends, annoy your roommates from across the couch, dance with your animals or shit, even build a top-notch pillow rave cave to dwell in. It’s time to get weird from the comfort of our own homes and tap into the feeling of dancing into the sunrise with all of our friends.

Stay Safe! Stay Clean! Stay Home! Check out DESTRUCTO DESTROYS lavender spray hand sanitizer if you’d like to support and stay CLEAN! Click the photo below to stay on top of the re-stock to grab yours.

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