“Bee Here, Bee You, Bee Free.” These are words to live by for every fester, and PromoWest Productions out of Ohio has coined this phrase as a motto for their summer fest, Bunbury. Happening June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, their lineup is stacked, and their mascot is adorable. Who doesn’t love a cute mascot to go with your festival experience?
“To Bunbury, or to go bunburying, is to have a made-up excuse to get out of doing something boring. Every Bunbury weekend in June, we give you a great excuse to get out of whatever you don’t want to do.”
Well, I can’t think of anything I would rather do than take a scenic jaunt to Cincinnati to watch one of my all-time favorite bands, Foster the People.
Holy S*&%: Movement Festival Delivers Most Epic Lineup Thus Far
Promo West has outdone themselves with this beautiful lineup. Take a look:

Photo Courtesy: Bunbury Music Festival Promo West
There is something for every musical taste on this lineup. Tickets are priced just right to enjoy a long weekend in June. General Admission starts at $179, and VIP at just $450. They even have a super VIP for $1399 that includes side stage viewing for the show, as well as drink tickets and free parking. Can’t make it all three days? Single day tickets are a steal at just $79.00. Head over to Bunbury Festival’s website to check it out and grab your tickets today!