As an avid listener of everything Liquid Stranger, his “Save the Date” that dropped near the end of 2018 for his very first festival under his record label, Wakaan, has given bassheads way too much time to fantasize about the Experimental Space Bass / Dubstep / Bass music lineup of a lifetime.
Martin Stääf, also known as Liquid Stranger, built his record label in 2015 as an outlet for other artists with outlandish sound. Feeling like his sound was too incomparable to fit anywhere else, he built his label to welcome others to find a sense of belonging with their wild, futuristic noise.
Liquid Stranger has been headlining big boy festivals for a few years such as Lost Lands, Imagine, Summer Camp, Electric Forest, and now it’s time for his own festival. Speculation has been developing for months since the announcement, and its location drop – Mulberry, Arkansas – in February.
Since then, us fans have been daydreaming about all of the possibilities. Just to name a few incredibly talented and probing artists on this label, there is LSDREAM who is making his way out to Lost Lands this year (fun fact: LSDREAM is an alter ego to Brillz! WTF?!), Champagne Drip, Peekaboo, Eazybaked, Space Jesus, Toadface, and one of my all-time favorites, Yheti.
What do all these artists have in common? They’re fucking weird. They’re such a good weird they make you make that bass face that looks like you smelled a pashmina that hasn’t been washed since the trend arrived in 2014.
What is my point to all this? Tickets were announced to go on sale May 1st. If you are uneducated on the mouthwatering wubs and strangeness that is Wakaan, above is a playlist I made just for you.

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