Home Music You Can’t Rain on My Parade (Literally) | EDC Orlando 2019 Recap

You Can’t Rain on My Parade (Literally) | EDC Orlando 2019 Recap

by The Freaks - Staff
5 minutes read

If you are an avid festival and have never been to an EDC – you are absolutely missing out.

One of the most well organized and beautiful festivals out there, EDC provides everything you could want out of a festival experience. Their Orlando installment is absolutely no exception. Having expanded to three days this year, the weekend gave everyone more than enough time to explore every piece of art, play around at the four different stages, and make new friends from far and wide.

The first day, though, by far was my favorite. Maybe it was the sheer shock of seeing the Kinetic stage… or the fact I hadn’t been to an EDC in three years. It could have been the fact that they sold Four Lokos. Regardless, it was overwhelmingly magical to walk through those gates. Even though the rain ruined everyone’s makeup and hair that day, the grounds stayed relatively nice and there weren’t any wooks wading in mud pits. Plus, it made the lasers look incredible.  

Best set of the weekend? Hands down Slander. Yes, even in the pouring rain. I’m either cursed (dare I say blessed?) that every time I’ve seen the duo, it’s been raining. Something about hearing “Superhuman” as the rain falls down around you just hits different (if you were at Lost Lands this year as well, you understand). Being squished by my two best friends as I cried when they debuted their acoustic version of “Love is Gone” is simply what I needed to complete that day. Plus that new remix they dropped of Illenium’s “Good Things Fall Apart”? Swoon.

I will admit…things got cold quickly after Slander’s set. While my crew had been dying to skip down Rainbow Road to Kinetic for Deadmau5, it was one of those nights where the weather decided our plans for us. Instead, we ended up at the Neon Garden tent for Charlotte de Witte. Now, I am not that big of a techno snob. I like it, but it’s not something I gravitate towards on a daily basis. Let me tell you how absolutely amazing this girl was. Charlotte was able to capture my attention and keep this sing-along basshead entertained for her entire set, which is not an easy feat. Her light show was on point, keeping my whole group in awe.

Another high-point of the weekend was spending an afternoon messing around in the Pixel Forest. Here, they had two smaller stages decked out in neon lights, massive art installations, Nintendo games for days, and trees covered in twinkling lights. Even sober, I appreciated how much production went into that one area. I smoked a girl in Mario Kart, gave light shows with my pixel whip to some amazingly sweet and appreciative newbies, and even took some time to wander alone to just reflect and appreciate the moment. It’s something I’m looking forward to doing again next year for EDC Vegas.

Now a festival isn’t complete without one funny story, is it? If you know me, you know I have a thing for Kevin balloons. Those little green aliens make me smile like no other – so much so that I even went as “Kevin’s Mom” for Halloween this year at Fright Night. I make sure to bring several packs to every festival. It’s a great way to make new friends and double as a great totem for my short stature.

My best friend Erica and I are sitting down in the Pixel Forest taking a break when I decide it’s time to blow up the last Kevin balloon I have of the weekend. As I tie him off, a spunion runs up to me screaming nonsense. The place is loud, I simply can’t hear him or understand what he’s saying.

“Sorry dude, what do you want?”

This man straight-up grabs my Kevin and runs away.

I turn to Erica, who in her drunken state is simply blank-faced and in pure shock. “Did that actually just happen…?” Yes, yes it did.

Last Kevin of EDC, know your mother loved you. I hope your night was as wild as the wook that stole you. We both sit there howling in laughter for the next 20 minutes.

Worst moment of the weekend? Well, it’s not a festival weekend for me unless I fall over at least once and roll my ankle. I’ve had two surgeries and countless hours of physical therapy, but something about me finding every single pothole at a festival is just inevitable. I am a regular at the med-tent. In the very last two hours of the festival Sunday night, I yet again manage to eat shit. I’m not going to lie, I cried. The festival had some of the flattest grounds I had ever been blessed with, like come on.

The most magical moment of the weekend? As I’m sitting down at Zhu pissed off I’ve managed to fuck up my leg for the 10 billionth time, a stranger walks up and gives me the perfect gift.

It’s a Kevin balloon!

The festival couldn’t have ended on a better note. Thank you, stranger, for bringing the festival full circle. And thank you, EDC, for yet again giving me a magical experience.

EDC Orlando will happen again next year November 13th, 14th, and 15th.

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