Home Music Brooklyn Dives Into The Rabbit Hole With Markus Schulz!

Brooklyn Dives Into The Rabbit Hole With Markus Schulz!

by The Freaks - Staff
2 minutes read

Walking through the underground hallways of 99 Scott — you hear the pulsating sounds of bass which you are soon to be engulfed in. You come upon a set of stairs and you make your way up. Everything is dark now, until you venture a bit further when you see a vibrant, red aura up ahead. The room is nearly empty — but it won’t be for long — the vibe is being set at this very moment. 

As you approach the front of the room, the sound waves grab hold of you and you can’t help but move your body. You’ve now entered Markus Schulz’ rabbit hole and will only fall deeper for the next 6 hours.

The first couple hours are deep — deeper than the depths of the ocean. The music sucks you in like an undertow. You’re hearing tracks that take you back in time like ‘Seven Days One Week (Yotto Remix)’ and ‘Blueberry (Daniel Wanrooy Remix)’. Memories arise and bring you pure euphoria — the music is your drug. 

Lifting you higher, Markus cranks it up a notch with high intensity records that set the floor on fire. The heat is rising throughout the room as he spins tracks like Dave Neven’s Bootleg Remix of ‘Escape’ by KayCee

Towards the tail end of the night, Schulz — being the master at the decks as he is — takes you by the hand and pulls you deeper down the rabbit hole. The beats keep coming, you’re mesmerized by the music, there’s no way out, all you can do is dance until the last song — ‘Southern Sun (Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix)’ “sets you free”!

Your body tingles with excitement as you depart the venue and you wonder when you’ll be able to take this trip again. Lucky for you, the Unicorn Slayer will be taking Miami Music Week down the rabbit hole on Sunday, March 22nd and you can get your tickets right here!

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Click the pic to get your tix!

*Featured image via Markus Schulz*

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