Calm your tits, because Electric Zoo 2018 is coming up! Boasting a stellar multi-genre lineup, and in arguably the greatest city in the world New York… thousands of electronic music fans will descend on Randalls Island for an incredible Labor Day weekend. I couldn’t think of anything more perfect.
An important part of attending Electric Zoo every year is a question that comes to everyone’s mind… “What is there to do each night after the festival?” Since the festival ends around 11pm each night, many people are just getting started and want to continue the party elsewhere. Well, look no further than the city that never sleeps. New York City has a myriad of options available to keep the night going!
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Don’t Skimp On Afterparties: Because I am a local and have the benefit of attending many of these night spots, I am working on a list of different parties to attend each night during Electric Zoo. (Keep an eye out for my next piece where I will go a little more in-depth on options once after hours are released!) My favorite spot to attend is Output Brooklyn, which always holds some of the official Electric Zoo after parties.It also has a Funktion 1 soundsystem that will blow you away! The building at 637 west 50th street (formerly known as Space) also holds the official after parties during this weekend. Of course, there are many other after parties to check out alternately to the “official” picks, so I plan on putting them all together to help everyone decide where they would like to dance the night away after the festival ends.
New Empire Shufflers: Something I love to do when I go out to a party is dance until I’m out of breath. I have never learned to dance, but recently I have had the interest in doing so. In New York city there is a well-known group that goes by the name of the New Empire Shufflers. I recently began to attend their meet-ups every two weeks in order to learn to shuffle, and other types of dance. Each member of this group has welcomed me with open arms and is willing to teach me basic steps so that I can eventually find my own style. This group gets together at parties, festivals, and even random hangouts in a NYC park. My goal is to learn to shuffle enough so that by the time Electric Zoo comes, I am able to hop in a dance circle with no fear.
Book your Stay EARLY: When visiting New York City for a festival like Electric Zoo, looking for a place to stay is tough when you come from out of town. Not many people who visit are familiar with all the different neighborhoods. Something to think about is how close your hotel or Airbnb is to the festival, and how safe the neighborhood is. I have many friends coming from all over and I am helping them find a place to stay, whether it is with me or a hotel closer to Randall’s Island. wherever one decides to stay during their time in NYC, the amount of time it takes to walk over the bridge to the festival must be thought about, and also how close you are to NYC attractions if that is one of your interests.
Packing Essentials: For every festival, there are always essential items to carry to make the weekend run smoothly. One of the most common items that is essential to bring during Ezoo is hydration pack. Ezoo does offer free water stations throughout the festival grounds. I have lost interest in hydration packs and switched to a fanny pack for more comfort, and I’m okay with just carrying a bottle of water. After the first day of the festival, porta-potties go downhill very quickly, leaving very little to clean up with. In order to stay clean, it is helpful to carry hand sanitizer or wipes, which of course must be sealed each day upon entry. Lockers are available and an excellent meet up spot for a crew who has never attended.
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Cashless Festing is the Tits: Going to a festival without hurting my wallet is always a recurring thought. To prepare for Electric Zoo financially, I put money aside for that weekend and plan out what I will be spending it on. Food and drinks are always going to be much pricier than a store right outside festival grounds, but as much as it pains me to buy $10 chicken tenders I’m always gonna be tempted to do so. It’s always good to keep a limit on how much you spend on food & drinks, having yourself able to spend some money at the merchandise booth at the same time. Bring more cash than you expect to spend, as New York is an expensive city! Plan ahead. Electric Zoo is a cashless festival. You can re-up your bracelet before or even at the festival, so it keeps your wallet cash free for the day of the day!
Prepare for Weather: When going to a festival no one wants to get hit by the unexpected weather. How annoying would it be to run around festival grounds in a pair of converse and out of nowhere become soaked and stuck in the mud? Going to Electric Zoo every year I always suggest good footwear, that is comfortable but also waterproof. We have had many situations in the past where one day of Electric Zoo is rained out, and since it won’t necessarily be canceled you will need to be prepared for the bad weather. Looking back at 2017 I remember massive amounts of rain creating mud puddles and of course, festival goers slipping and falling. It’s always good to pay attention to the forecast and carry a small poncho and of course shoes that you don’t mind becoming dirty, or rain boots. Rainboots literally saved several of my friends last year. I highly suggest you bring them. Wear them on the plane if you to save suitcase weight!
Explore Different Genres: Electric zoo has a phenomenal lineup, but there are not as many artists that I am as familiar with. Being a person who mostly sticks to house and techno, I definitely want to expand to other stages this year and see what I find. In order to prepare for Electric Zoo, I have been checking out music from some of the artists I am not so familiar with such as Boogie T, G Jones, Illenium, K?D, and Herobust. Hearing music from these artists will definitely get me pumped to explore during this weekend. The Anjuna lineup is stellar, and I look forward to experiencing the vibe for myself.
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Party with the Locals: My favorite part of going to any festival is meeting new friends from all over. The reason I know people from many different parts of the US and in other countries is because of all the festivals I go to. I have been using the Radiate app to join a few group chats where people who are going to Electric zoo plan to meet up. There are even groups for NYC where we welcome and give advice to anyone who’s visiting from out of town. I have already used this app to make new friends at a few festivals this year, and it continues to help. Reach our and ask any questions you may have! I promise New Yorkers are the most accomodating people you will ever meet! We love this festival, and you can feel the pride in the air when you enter the grounds. We can’t wait to meet you!
Check out the lineup below and make your plans now!
8 Ways to Party Like a Local at Electric Zoo In New York
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